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News & Updates

Frequently asked questions and upcoming changes.

 Are you getting similar questions from multiple customers about a particular topic? If so, feel free to send a request for information and links using the contact page.

On July 20, 2022, the Front-of-package nutrition symbol labelling regulations came into force with a transition deadline of December 31, 2025. Do you have any products required to display a front-of-package symbol?

Bilingual Health Canada FOP Symbol_edite

As of January 1, 2022,  food manufacturers, importers, and certain retailers are required to ensure bioengineered foods are disclosed through text, symbol, electronic or digital link, and/or text message. Have you updated your product labels?

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Compliance enforcement of the Health Canada 2016 nutrition labelling amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations began December 14, 2023. Have your product labels been updated to meet all the requirements?

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